Is a 270-Degree Recon Enough? with Brian Butler

Go to enough conferences or read enough magazine articles and you’ll start to feel shamed if you don’t do a 360-degree recon on arrival at every fire.

But the reality is, sometimes it’s just not possible.

Maybe the houses are too close together. Or maybe the structure is just too big to get around it quickly.

What do you do then?

Brian Butler has some ideas.

He’s a captain in Trenton, NJ, where he has worked for over 20 years.

He is also a member of King of Prussia, PA, Fire Rescue in suburban Philadelphia.

Brian’s hazmat qualified and is also a certified instructor.

Brian’s article: The 270-Degree Size-up

His fire training website

Trivia question:

What’s the angle of inclination that a  ladder should be placed for climbing?


The ladder should be sitting at a 75 degree angle when firefighters start using it.