Yoga for Firefighters? with Shannon McQuaide

Here’s an idea: Yoga for firefighters.

Wait — don’t skip this episode yet!

You owe it to yourself to hear about this, because, even if you think yoga’s not for you, it can probably help.

It’s got a lot of benefits for firefighters.

Here to explain why is Shannon McQuaide, the Director of FireFlex Yoga.

That’s right, she runs a business specifically tailored to providing yoga for the fire service.

She comes from a fire family, so she knows what firefighters need.

She has 10 years of experience leading professional development training programs.

Article: An Asana Yoga Workout for the Firefighters

Article: Four Benefits of Yoga for Firefighters

Article: Five Reasons Firefighters Should Take Yoga Seriously

Trivia question:
When an atmosphere contains less than this percentage of oxygen, it’s considered oxygen deficient.

An oxygen-deficient atmosphere contains less than 19.5 percent oxygen.