Is EMS work a trade or a profession?
That could be the question at the center of a debate on education for EMS providers.
There’s a growing push to require at least a 2-year associate’s degree for certification. Some officials want a bachelor’s degree to be required.
But the main qualification people entering the EMS field need after their training is probably experience, which academics don’t provide.
Here to give us some perspective on all this is David Becker.

He’s currently a Faculty Member for Columbia Southern University’s programs in Emergency Medical Services Management and Emergency Medical Services Administration.
David worked for twenty-two years in the fire service including fifteen years as a Chief Officer. He has held a current paramedic license since 1977.
And he’s the Past Chair of the Emergency Medical Services Section of the IAFC.
David’s article: Is a Degree for EMS Providers Needed to Advance the Profession?
More: EMS, We Have Some Work to Do
Trivia question:
What’s the name of the wall between the heart’s right and left ventricle?
The wall between the heart’s right and left ventricle is the intraventricular septum.